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Our Partners

Find out more about the partnerships we cherish! Interested in working in partnership with us? Contact us today! Call 01451 833 181 or email [email protected].

The Mammal Society


The Mammal Society is a membership-based charity, raising awareness of mammal conservation and saving these threatened species from dramatic decline. By constantly monitoring the status of mammals and sharing these findings, they can educate and inform people to inspire change.

Mammal Society


The People's Trust For Endangered Species


The Peoples' Trust for Endangered Species is a charitable organisation which exists to promote the conservation of rare or declining species and habitats in the UK and worldwide through monitoring, public engagement, education and funding of conservation and research projects.



The Bat Conservation Trust

With over 6,000 members, the Bat Conservation Trust supports local bat groups across the UK. Working with volunteers, scientists, industry and government both locally and nationally on a range of projects, the BCT fulfill their vision of a world rich in wildlife, where bats and people thrive together. Their work focuses on discovering more about these threatened mammals and inspiring people about bats and their environment, engaging them with the conservation work they undertake while establishing skills and building resources, motivation and understanding.

Explore our BCT products



CIEEM are the leading professional membership body representing and supporting ecologists and environmental managers in the UK, Ireland and abroad. Their vision is of a healthy natural environment for the benefit of current and future generations. By working closely with stakeholders and members, CIEEM believe they can make a difference and create a biodiverse, rich environment for present and future generations to enjoy.

We offer a discount on a select range of products fror CIEEM members. Talk to a member of our sales team to find out more! Call 01451 833181 or email [email protected]



RAW Workshop recycles, sells and produces wood products. But that's only the start. Their business is built around making a social impact - where poeple and planet come first and foremost. By employing people who may be socially-disadvantaged, unemployed, isolated or displaced, RAW produces quality wood products that generate life changing social impact and sustainable outcomes. RAW empowers customers and clients to confidently make procurement and purchasing choices that drive social and environmental value.




Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. Buglife are actively working to save our rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish.
