Vivara Pro Woodstone Barcelona Open Nest Box
About Vivara Pro
Vivara Pro is a leading authority in Europe for projects and products related to mitigation, biodiversity enhancement, flora and fauna compensation and sustainability.
The development of our products takes place in close collaboration with leading nature conservation organizations and experts from all over Europe. Through this approach, we can always rely on the expertise of experienced ecologists, consultants, and specialists.
With over 25 years of experience, our products are regularly tested in practice, leading to new insights and ongoing improvements. This has resulted in products meeting the highest quality requirements and being certified by leading nature conservation organisations, with FSC certification as a guarantee.
Supporting Green Partners
As a company committed to preserving wildlife it should not be a surprise that Vivara Pro are also extremely passionate about protecting the wider environment. Every year they provide income to our green partners across Europe to enable them to carry out vital conservation work. This work includes mass tree planting initiatives, native wildflower planting and general habitat restoration. It also includes feeding and habitat support for endangered species such as dormice and red squirrels.